Launch Workplace Vitality Hub June

Workplace Vitality Hub officially launched

On 28 June, the administrative kick-off of the Workplace Vitality Hub (WPVH) was held. In the presence of invited guests, the partners signed the cooperation agreement in the smart office on High Tech Campus 85. Both a formal and festive moment.

As they signed the agreement, each of the partners (Fontys, imec, TNO, TU/e, Twice and HTCE) explained the value of the Workplace Vitality Hub for their institution.

Tom and Fokko at IDEAS

Joep Houterman, chairman of the Fontys Executive Board, emphasised the pragmatic and multidisciplinary approach of Fontys University of Applied Sciences to a social issue like vitality.


Jo De Boeck, Managing Director of imec Netherlands sees the ecosystem and the cooperation between the knowledge institutions as very valuable. "I particularly look forward to the feedback from the users and what new issues that will generate."


Arnaud de Jong, Director Industry at TNO thinks the new hub is 'spot-on': "The question that everyone has, is: how do we get back to the office? You want nothing more than for your employees to perform optimally, to be vital and happy. With Holst Centre's technology we want to contribute to this."


Carmen van Vilsteren, director of Health TU/e and national figurehead for Life Sciences & Health termed the cooperation on this theme in the Workplace Vitality Hub unique and expressed the wish to give this initiative a national follow-up.


Saskia van de Schoot, Director of Twice, sees the Workplace Vitality Hub as an opportunity for start-ups to participate in a great programme. Twice provides the necessary infrastructure to the partners in the Hub. "As a tech start-up, you can participate in innovative solutions for a vital work environment at an early stage, giving you the opportunity to work with great companies!"


High Tech Campus Eindhoven also sees great benefits in developing a field lab together with campus' tenants. "It's great that we are involving the knowledge and educational institutes in themes such as sustainability and vitality. I am very pleased with this initiative," says Freek Smolders, director of HTCE.


Marieke van Beurden (Program Director Human Vitality & Technology TU/e) and Sywert Brongersma (Director Strategic Partnerships imec) invited those present to raise their glasses, after which the informal part started: a tour along a number of vitality innovation demos., giving everyone the opportunity to experience the vitality chair of TNO/imec and to get acquainted with the 'Office agents' and the 'Work walk' of Fontys/TUe. Also Spacewell, Zens, Ahrend, Eyrise, Beyond Eyes and Sparckel were present to show with what and how they want to cooperate in the Hub.

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