TNO at Holst Centre part of Madras project, a new European consortium
European MADRAS project to develop new materials and manufacturing processes for scalable mass production of organic electronics devices integrated into plastic parts for automotive and healthcare.
Progress in printed electronics and materials has paved the way for products with new features, lighter, thinner and more flexible. Organic devices are seen as a viable alternative to conventional inorganic conductors, such as copper and silicon. Their operation integrates organic electronics printed on flexible surfaces such as plastics or paper for smart packaging, roll-up displays, flexible solar cells, single-use diagnostic devices and printed batteries, among others.
The aim of the project
The MADRAS project will use In-Mould Electronics, also known as plastronics, to increase resistance to humidity and wear and tear and adding custom-made connectors. This technology combines functional printing of electronics and hybridisation of electronic components with traditional plastic transformation processes, such as thermoforming and injection, to create plastic parts with electronic functions.
The innovative technology developed as part of the project will be implemented in two printed electronics demonstrators integrated into plastic parts. Specifically, it will be demonstrated with a flexible geolocation label for the packaging sector and a biometric photosensor which will be employed to identify users of an electric mobility service.
The MADRAS project is funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 programme and coordinated by the Eurecat technology centre. In addition to TNO at Holst Centre, 10 other partners are involved:
Eticas Research and Consulting, ECNOPACKAGING, UNE and The Cooltra Group
Genesink, Arjowiggins and Uwinloc
The Czech Republic